As a health information custodian (HIC) under Ontrio's Personal Health Information Privacy Act (2004), this organization's staff members are bound by law and ethics to safeguard your privacy and confidentiality.

It is not the practice of Progressive Massage Therapy to buy, sell or trade private information.

Our responsibilities include:

  • Collect only the information that may be necessary for your care

  • Keep accurate and up-to-date records

  • Safeguard the medical records in our possession

  • Only when it is deemed necessary for your treatment, and with further written permission, will we contact other healthcare providers outside the clinic

Information may be shared with another health care provider (including any member of a regulated health profession under the Regulated Health Practitioners Act) and organizations on a “need to know” basis only where required for your care (emergencies, serious safety issues, other RMTs in the clinic)

  • Disclose information to third parties only with your express consent or when necessary for legal reasons.

Retain and destroy records in accordance with the law

  • Your request for care implies consent for our collection, use and disclosure of your personal health information for purposes related to your care. As noted above, other purposes require your express consent.

Privacy Policy